CK Project Delivery
As a result of our community mapping exercise we have identified a number of gaps in provision and continue to work to fill them. During 2022 we set up and continue to manage many community projects described below.
Community Mapping Project
Aware that social isolation has a significant negative effect on people’s health and wellbeing, Compassionate Kenilworth’s aim is to provide social interaction and support opportunities. Inspired by the Frome project who “mapped” their community in order to connect and support residents, we are working on developing our own community directory of social and support groups. Frome demonstrated what a positive impact social connections can make to a community's health as outlined in the following article.
From our mapping process we have already identified areas of significant unmet need and several gaps in service provision within Kenilworth which we continue to work to fill by running numerous community projects.

Social Isolation Projects
Bereavement/Grief Cafe
In April we instigated a monthly grief/bereavement pop-up cafe to support local people through the grief/bereavement journey. Our Cafe is run by a trained grief recovery specialist, Tracey McAtamney, who also runs similar cafes in Balsall Common, Leamington and Coventry. Participants are welcome to join Tracey’s other local cafes during the month. This support group has been very well received and has connected multiple attendees who are providing peer support to one another inside and outside of the monthly Cafe forum. Grief covers many losses in our lives including death, divorce, redundancy, loss of health, pet loss and many other situations of loss.
Find more information on Tracey and her grief bereavement support here. Bereavement. Initially funded by the Lions, this cafe is now funded by a recent councillors grant. Leaflet here
Details : The cafe is held monthly (every 4th Monday) at the Kenilworth Centre from 10.30 - 12. For more information, contact the Kenilworth Centre, 01926 855205.
Arts & Crafts Cafe
A fortnightly social group run by volunteers. A friendly, warm group that gets together for tea and coffee, a piece of cake, a good natter and also a little bit of easy arts & crafts.
Warm Hubs
We have worked with several local partners ( the Kenilworth Centre, WRCC, Warwickshire Rural Community Charity and St Francis of Assisi) to instigate a number of warm hubs across Kenilworth. Initially set up for for the winter months, we hope recieve additional funding to keep them going long term. They have successfully provided multiple free weekly opportunities for people to socialise. We regularly update our leaflet outlining all new and existing community social hubs.
Chatty Bus
Weekly social sessions held at Beauchamp Road Lounge for their residents. Instigated during the Covid restrictions, Beauchamp Rd residents meet up weekly to provide company, fun and support to one another.
Technology Support
In November we started a weekly drop in technology cafe to provide people access to one-on-one support and guidance on how to use their technology more effectively and gain confidence using their smart phones, iPads and Laptops. In partnership with Good Neighours Cheylesmore and Warwick University volunteers, these sessions are aimed at beginners and those with some experience who already have technology but are in need of additional support and guidance.
Details : Wednesday afternoons 2 - 3.30 at the Kenilworth Centre during term times. Contact the Kenilworth Centre for more information and to book in. Tel : 01926 855205.
Health Related Projects
Relaxation Techniques
Since 2021 we have held monthly wellbeing sessions facilitated by an experienced local yoga teacher to teach relaxation and healthy breathing techniques to improve health and wellbeing.
Dementia / Carer Support
Working with our local Social Prescribing team from the Kenilworth GP surgeries we supported the running of a Dementia Advisory drop-In session and spoke to those that attended to gather information about their circumstances, their challenges and what they’d like to see by way of more support. We are currently working with a local care home to try to introduce additional support/activity and guidance.
We have compiled the attached leaflet that signposts those with dementia and their carers to a number of groups and support meetings in local towns across Coventry and Warwickshire. (click here for leaflet). If you would like a paper copy of this, please contact the Kenilworth Centre on 01926 855205.
Cost of Living Projects
Food Support
Holiday Food Hunger Project
During the summer holidays 2022, working in partnership with the Kenilworth Centre we provided twice-weekly packed lunches for children on school holidays. This project was funded by Western Power Distribution fund.
Subsidised Chilled Food Bags (through Brunswick Hub, Leamington)
Working in partnership with Brunswick Hub, Leamington we have been able to provide subsidised fresh food chilled bags for a number of Kenilworth residents and families. Funding from the Lions has enabled this project to run.
School Breakfast Provision - Kenilworth School
We provide juices and cereal bars to pupils who may not have had breakfast or are hungry - these are made available through Head of Years or the SEN (Special Educational Needs) department.
Project Reports
You can find more information on our various projects in the following reviews.
Thank you to our funders and partners who enable us to provide this support -
The Lions,
The Rotary,
Kenilworth United Charities,
the Kenilworth Centre
and the Heart of England.
To hear how we're helping, watch the short video here: