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Events Directory - Get Support

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A Child Of Mine

Charity supporting bereaved parents

Alzheimer's Society

Dementia Navigators

Alzheimer's Society Dementia Connect

Advice line


Online Chat with Grief counsellor


Links for support based on your loss, age, location

Befriending Service - Age UK

A free befriending service for over 70s to enhance quality of life by alleviating loneliness and isolation

Benefits calculator - Age UK

Check what benefits and allowances elderly people are entitled to.

Bereavement Support Payment

Benefit for recently bereaved where deceased under pension age

British Gas Energy Trust Individuals and Families Fund

Support up to £1500 for people in fuel poverty some for customers of any supplier

Brunswick Hub - Bereavement support

Bereavement support

Brunswick Hub - Food Support

Food Support

Brunswick Hub - Hearing Aid Batteries

Hearing Aid Batteries

Brunswick Hub - Menopause

Menopause Support Group

Brunswick Hub - Slipper Provision

Slipper provision - sizes 3-7 (ladies) and 7-12 (men’s)

CAP Leamington Spa Debt Centre

Debt support - face to face meetings and phone support

CELST Lipreading

Beginners Lipreading classes

Carers Trust Heart of England

Citizens Advice debt advice - Warwick District

Free advice for those in debt.

Cruse Bereavement Support

Support for bereavement

Dementia Day Opportunities - Age UK

Daytime activities and social opportunities for people with dementia

Dogs For Good

Trained dogs to work with people with autism, physical disabilities, learning disabilities and dementia

Draw To Explore

Drawing and Talking for emotional wellbeing

E.On Next Energy Fund

Help and support for E.On customers

EDF Customer Support Fund

Help and support for EDF customers

Energy Support and Advice

Advice and help with energy bills and complaints

Forget-Me-Not Dementia Café

Dementia Café

Forget-Me-Not Dementia Group

A dementia friendly drop in group.

Fuel poverty assistance - Age UK

Advice for elderly people in fuel poverty


Activites for people with Additional Needs

IndieGo PLUS

On-demand bus services - wheelchair spaces on board

Kenilworth Adult PHAB Club

Social Group bringing together disabled and non-disabled people on equal terms to make more of life together.

Kenilworth Monthly Bereavement Café

Compassionate Kenilworth with Surviving Bereavement.

Kenilworth Stroke Group

Social Group for Stroke sufferers

Lifeline alarm service through WDC

Personal alarm system for vulnerable people

Little Ray Of Sunshine Café

Dementia Café


Support and advice for anyone with mental health problems

Mental Health Helpline

24/7 support for carers of people suffering with mental health problems


Mindfulness Meditation

Money Helper Debt Advisors

Free advice for those in debt. Links to Face to face, telephone and online advisors

NHS Adult Social Care

24/7 Support for Adult Social Care

NHS Bereavement advice

Website with advice and links

NHS Mental Health Access Hub

National Debt Helpline

Free independen advice charity

National Energy Action

Help if can't afford to heat your home. Useful links

Octopus Energy Assist Fund

Help and support for customers of Octopus, Affect Energy, Co-operative Energy, Ebico Living, London Power and M&S Energy

PHAB Kenilworth

Events for people with physical and mental disabilities

Painting4Pleasure Leamington Spa

Pam Britton Trust Carer's group

Support group for dementia carers

Parents in Mind: National Childbirth Trust

Support for Parents Coventry, Leamington, Stratford, Rugby and Nuneaton

Repair Café Kenilworth (ReCK)

Take your Repairs


Stillbirth and Neonatal Death support group

Scope Disability Energy Support

Free energy advice for disabled people

Scottish Power Hardship Fund

ScottishPower Hardship Fund

Severn Trent Big Difference Scheme

Reduction of water bill

Severn Trent WaterSure

Bill support for people on benefits and with a medical need to use water or large family (3 or more children under 19)


Charity providing free debt advice

The Heating Hub

Tips on how to use your existing heating system most efficiently

The Money Charity

Advice on money an debt management

The Movement Centre

Charity providing therapy for Cerebral Palsy

The Ups of Downs

Leamington based groups for children with Downs Syndrome

Triple Link Dementia Café

Dementia Café

Tuesday Community Warm Hub

A warm welcoming space for free tea, coffee and cake. Board games, books, bring your hobbies, bring a friend or meet new friends.


National charity supporting people in financial hardship. Benefits calculator and grant checker

Warwick District Council

Information and Support - Housing and social care, bereavement

Warwick Memory Singers

Singing and music

Warwickshire Cycle Buddies

Assistance with new or nervous cyclists

Warwickshire Dementia Portal

Portal for Carer and family support, Living Well, Dementia friendly Communities

Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme

Council Support for people struggling with cost of living.

Warwickshire Vision Kenilworth

Social Club

Widowers Club

New group that has been formed recently that meets for regular lunches. Requires access to car and internet/wattsap - as the group makes arrangements for lunches in different places via these platforms.
Contact Tony via email for information:

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