Our Projects
Activities & Clubs
Friends & Partners
Where we came from
Aqua Beans Swim School
Childrens swimming classes
Art Appreciation (U3A)
Learn about art, speakers and visits to galleries
Bridge (U3A)
A friendly group who can all play bridge to an enjoyable level.
Brunswick Hub - I.T. Courses
IT courses
CELST Lipreading
Beginners Lipreading classes
Creative Stitchery (U3A)
Learning about techniques and completing projects
Kenilworth Book & Pudding Club
Monthly Book and Pudding Club in Time for Tea Café
Kenilworth Bridge Club
Learn and play bridge
Kenilworth U3A
A wide variety of activities and excursions for people who are no longer in full time employment
Kenilworth Women’s Institute
A group for women of all ages
Leamington Literary Society
Monthly literary lectures for everyone interested in reading.
Leamington and Warwick Philatelic Society
For those who collect stamps or postal history or who are just interested.
Midland Ancestors
Kenilworth -based genealogy group
Mini Mandarin Musicians and Players
Mandarin teaching for children through music and games
PHAB Kenilworth
Events for people with physical and mental disabilities
Painting4Pleasure Leamington Spa
Release Pilates and Fitness Training
Kenilworth based 1-2-1 and small group video pilates classes
The Arts Society Royal Leamington Spa
Arts lectures at the Royal Spa Centre
U3A Balsall Common Painting Group
Painting group
U3A Book Club
Book Club
U3A Classical Music Group
Classical Music appreciation
U3A Enquiring Minds
Discussion group around various themes
U3A Film Group
For film lovers
U3A Genealogy Group
Starting and sharing information about family history research
U3A History Group
History topic discussion
U3A Language learning and practice
French, Italian, Spanish, German
U3A Mahjong Group
Playing Mahjong -all abilities
U3A Needles and Pins
Patchwork, cross stitch, knitting and crochet
U3A Painting for Pleasure
Watercolour painting - mixed ability
U3A Patchwork for Beginners
Patchworking - all levels
U3A Photography group
Discussion group on aspects of photography, improving skills and showing photos
U3A Piano Group
Piano playing Grade 3 and above
U3A Play reading groups
Reading through Plays
U3A Poetry Group
Poetry Appreciation
U3A Recorder Group
Playing recorder, various abilities and styles
U3A Scrabble
Scrabble playing
U3A Wine appreciation
Learning about all aspects of wine and tastings
Warwick Horticultural and Allotment Society
A non profit making society aiming to encourage interest in and knowledge of horticulture.
Warwick Men’s Shed / Social Group
Informal drop-in group, Free bacon sandwiches, tea and coffee in a warm friendly space. Bring your hobbies or favourite board games - part of the Men’s Shed project.
Warwick Words History Festival
National and international history themed talks
Warwickshire Libraries - Mobile Library
Library vehicles regularly visiting locations around Warwickshire. Home delivery of books and audiobooks.